snool.'s products

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tada's Revolution

Susan Chi makes the loveliest amigurumis and sets that I have ever seen.
She creates stories where her kingdom comes to life and the photos she takes makes it real.
I heart Tada's Revolution. Go in and get to know Leopold, Tobby, and the rest of the gang.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Knitta Please

You can call Knitta Please a "guerrilla crew" that wants to make the somber grey cities beautiful. They've started in 2005 and still have a great crew of followers.
FoundeMagda Sayeg uses knit graffiti to dress up parking meters, buses, bike racks, lamp posts, and lots more with striking colors that can only make you smile if you encounter them. Long live Knitta!!! :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This is indeed an inspiration!
Liria Pristine is a knitwear designer that has lived a bit all over the world: Canada, Europe and now Brazil. No wonder her creations are so powerful and beautiful.
Here are two images of her most recent work: "adapted. deliverance".